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#SelfPublishing Year in Review -- Running the Numbers

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
In The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing, I provided honest figures for how many books I've sold, how many free downloads I've had, and my earnings. Here's a quick update with the latest figures.

A few things before we got to the numbers:

  1. I don't claim my results are typical. Many self-publishers sell more than this, and many sell less. That said, I think my results give a pretty good sense of what you can expect if you're publishing fiction and putting in modest efforts at marketing.
  2. Free is still a great way to get your books to more readers. By giving books away for free, I get them beyond my circle of family and friends and build a broader readership.
  3. It's gotten harder to get your book to rocket to the top of the free lists on Kindle. There's a lot of competition. You have to list paid advertisements if you want to top the free charts.
  4. I did almost no marketing in 2015, beyond mentioning my work on social media. I decided mid-year to make Watch Me Disappear perma-free as a marketing tool, but that's about it.
  5. My two biggest sales channels, by far, were Kindle Direct and Audible, with direct sales, meaning selling books in person at events, close behind.

#IndieAuthors #NetGalley -- Is it worth the cost?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
In this post, reflections on my experience with NetGalley, a service that helps publishers to get books into the hands of reviewers.

By far the greatest challenge for any author is finding readers. Thanks to the jungle of Amazon, reader reviewers have been essential to the success of most books, but getting people to actually post reviews is even more challenging than finding readers.

Among the many solutions publishers and indie authors have turned to is NetGalley. NetGalley's landing page offers this invitation: "Join media, librarians, booksellers, educators, reviewers and bloggers who use NetGalley to discover, read and share reviews about new books before they are published. It's easy to get started: just sign in or join for free. Welcome!"

New, buzzed about books for free! That sounds like a great deal.

How it works:

#AmWriting #SelfPub #Workshop at the Westborough, MA Public Library!

Thursday, October 8, 2015
Back by popular demand!

I'll be offering my Introduction to Self-Publishing Workshop at the Westborough Public Library on October 21 from 6:30-8:30. This event is free and open to the public, but please preregister at this link.

About the Workshop: 

If you’ve contemplated self-publishing, you’ve probably experienced information overload when searching online for advice. You’ve probably also noticed the world is divided between self-publishing enthusiasts and self-publishing naysayers, and it can be hard to know whether to believe the hype of the haters. This workshop aims to cut through the noise to help you get a better sense of the reality of self-publishing.

Teen Writing Workshop Oct 3 #AmWriting

Thursday, September 17, 2015
Teen writers! Join me at the Shrewsbury Public Library from 10:00 - 12:00 on Saturday October 3!

"Make a Scene" Writing Workshop Description:

Whether you're writing flash fiction in which an entire story unfolds over just a page or two or you're writing a novel, the building blocks of all stories are scenes. In this workshop, we will identify the essential elements of scenes and what makes some scenes stronger than others. Then we will use a backwards planning strategy to write scenes of our own. 

This workshop is a great warm up for students interested in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Young Writers Program, which challenges teens to write a 30,000-word novella over 30 days in the month of November. To officially participate in NaNoWriMo, you aren't allowed to start writing your novella until November 1, but you are allowed to use the month of October to outline and brainstorm, and this workshop will definitely help you start to generate ideas!

The Shrewsbury Public Library will be hosting write-ins for adults and teens every Saturday throughout November.

To register, please click here, scroll down to the event, and fill out the form.


Mark your calendars!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, October 3, 2015

Teen Writing Workshop
Shrewsbury, MA Public Library. Click for more event info and sign up.10:00 - 12:00
NOTE: The main library is under construction, so this event will be in the library's temporary Location : 214 Lake St, Shrewsbury, MA

  • Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 6:30 - 8:30
Introduction to Self-Publishing
Westborough Public Library
55 West Main St
Westborough, MA 01581
To register, visit the library's calendar page by clicking here.

  • Thursday, October 29, 2015, Time TBA / Date subject to change (more info to follow)
Author Night at the Saint John's High School Library
The McCarthy Library, located in the Ryken Center
Saint John's High School
378 Main St
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Readings/talks by four members of the Saint John's faculty--Chuck Abdella, Fred Borchelt, Russ McClintock, and myself--who happen to be published authors!

Bancroft School
110 Shore Dr
Worcester, MA 01605
A two-day workshop for students grades 7-12 with an interest in creative writing. Visit the link above to sign up and for full schedule.

  • Saturday, January 16, 2016, 10:30-12:30
Workshop on Submitting to Literary Magazines
Seven Bridges Writers' CollaborativeThayer Memorial Library,
717 Main St
Lancaster, MA 01523

Check back soon for more events!

Diane is available for readings, signings, book club visits, and workshops on elements of the craft of writing, submitting to literary magazines, and self-publishing. For more information, please email her at

#ICYMI #SelfPub -- Ebook Formatting

Thursday, August 27, 2015
**This post originally appeared on on 4/11/15**

Yesterday, I made The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing available for download. Unlike my novels, this book was not the result of years of sweat and tears, or at least writing it wasn't. The reflections in it are based on years of sweat and tears, but it only took about a month to write, edit, and format it. (It's 30,000 words, and several of the chapters are adapted from prior blog posts.)

What's more, I set aside my usual perfectionism because I had a strong sense of urgency I felt to say everything I needed to say about self-publishing right now, before the whole self-pub world changes again and leaves my advice and experiences obsolete. To the end, apologies for any typos. I hope they aren't too terrible. The book is basically like a long blog post, and though I did my best to proofread, I know there are going to be errors.

But it's not the typos that are driving me nuts now.

#ICYMI #SelfPub #Amazon -- Change the "You Know this Author" Policy

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
**This post originally appeared on on 7/13/15**

Regular readers of my blog will recall a couple of posts from back in the spring about Amazon's review policy, which I believe is unfair to indie authors. Well, I'm not alone. Recently a petition was started by Jas Ward to ask Amazon to change it's policy.

If you've ever had a review removed because Amazon decided you knew the author personally or if you are an indie author struggling to get and keep reviews, consider signing the petition.

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#ICYMI #SelfPub #Amazon -- The Flaw in Amazon's "You Know This Author" Policy

**This post originally appeared on on 4/28/15**
In this post, a follow up on my last post regarding Amazon's review policy and how that policy is enforced. Whether you are an author puzzled by disappearing reviews or just a casual Amazon shopper, you should be troubled by Amazon's practices.

Longtime readers of this blog know that sometimes I get a little hung up on a topic, and when I do I have to write successive blog posts in order to sort the whole thing out and move on with my life. Thus, another post on my recent experience of learning that Amazon rejected a reader review of one of my books because its computers concluded the reviewer knew me personally.

Let's start with Amazon's goal in policing reader reviews. According to the Email my colleague received from Amazon about why his review had been rejected, "Customer Reviews are meant to give customers unbiased product feedback from fellow shoppers. Because our goal is to provide Customer Reviews that help customers make informed purchase decisions, any reviews that could be viewed as advertising, promotional, or misleading will not be posted."

This is a slightly different way of stating the sentiment on Amazon's review FAQ page: "Customer Reviews are meant to give customers genuine product feedback from fellow shoppers. Our goal is to capture all the energy and enthusiasm (both favorable and critical) that customers have about a product while avoiding use of reviews to outright advertise, promote and especially mislead."

As someone who hopes that prospective readers will be enticed by my product page to buy my books and to then enjoy and favorably review them,I definitely want my product page to be populated with genuine, energetic, and enthusiastic feedback. I absolutely do not want the reviews there to mislead prospective readers,  because, if they buy my book with wrong ideas it, they will be disappointed and will review it negatively.  So it seems that I, as an author, believe that Amazon's policy suits my interests.

Unfortunately, when enforcing the policy, the objective apparently shifts from ensuring genuine feedback to giving unbiased feedback. Let's parse some definitions, shall we?

#ICYMI #SelfPub #Amazon -- Getting Reviews

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
**This post originally appeared on on 4/25/15**

In The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing, I offered a few bits of advice about getting reviews, which can be summarized including the following: 1. It's okay to pay for reviews as long as the reviewer is honest, 2. Encourage friends to post reviews. When I offered that advice, I knew that Amazon had cracked down on bogus reviews, particularly paid reviews from people who had never even read the books they were reviewing, but I was not familiar with all the precise "rules" Amazon has established for reviews. In this post, further advice for interpreting and navigating those rules.

Earlier this week, a colleague who is considering self-publishing told me he had reviewed The Sane Person's Guide and that he found it very helpful. I was happy that I had been able to help him and thrilled that he was posting a review, as reviews are key to discoverability.

It's been days and the review has not yet appeared on Amazon. When you post a review, Amazon states that it can take up to 48-hours to appear, but it's been longer than that. What gives?

My sometimes immature mind at first went to the sort of conspiracy theories that all teenagers thrive on: Maybe Amazon was delaying reviews to my book to punish it for saying things critical of Amazon and for not being part of Kindle Select. Of course I have the sense to overcome this paranoia if for no other reason than my book is such small potatoes that I can't imagine they've even noticed it exists.

In search of a more reasonable explanation, I turned to the Kindle Direct Publishing Community forums and searched for any recent posts on reviews. Someone else posted a similar situation in early April. I checked out the replies to his post and saw several people insisting that if Amazon can trace you personally to the reviewer, they'll take the review down or reject it. This struck me as even more paranoid that my own conspiracy theory.

I found another similar query about reviews, and more similar responses, and I started to get annoyed at the way internet forums are full of nonsense, so I went seeking Amazon's actual rules for reviews. Here they are.

A few highlights:

  • Be specific, be sincere, disclose if you got the product for free
  • No reviews from those with a financial stake in the product
  • No "Reviews written for any form of compensation other than a free copy of the product. This includes reviews that are a part of a paid publicity package" and no "[s]olicitations for helpful votes"
I agree that those who got the product for free should say so, and it makes sense that anyone with a financial stake doesn't get a say, but paid reviews or solicitations for helpful reviews--we need those. Without those, we indies would be floating down the river without a paddle.

Amazon offers a link to a FAQs page for more information on what's not allowed. You can find it here. On this page they offer specific examples of things that are not allowed, including:

  • "A customer posts a review in exchange for $5"
  • "A family member of the product creator posts a five-star customer review to help boost sales"
  • "An artist posts a positive review on a peer's album in exchange for receiving a positive review from them"
Well, friends, this means that all the advice I gave you about getting early reviews is technically against the rules of the jungle, and since late 2012, as The New York Times reported, Amazon has been enforce its rules with a heavy and uneven hand. 

To say that I was troubled to read these rules (Amazon calls them "guidelines") is an understatement. I am a rule follower. I have been one all my life. I follow the speed limit, I don't cut in line, and report every last penny on my taxes. But these rules, which are written with the important goal of ensuring that customer feedback is genuine and informative to prospective buyers, are so flawed, and stack the deck so thoroughly against indie authors that I simply cannot accept them. Here's why:

#ICYMI #SelfPub #AmWriting -- Author Discoverability Tools

Monday, August 24, 2015
**This post originally appeared on on 7/10/15**

In this post, news about 2 tools I've just learned about to help you maximize discoverability of your book within the Amazon ecosystem.

If you've read The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing, you know that my advice to sell more books is to maximize discoverability of your book work in the Kindle store, a task that sounds specific until you try to do it.

In trying to learn how to boost my book's visibility, I have read a lot of advice about researching book categories and keywords, using Google Adwords, and search engine optimization (SEO), and I have honestly not found any of that research useful. I consider myself pretty smart, but trying to figure out the exact categories and keywords for my books made me feel like I was back in calculus all over again, and let's just say calculus wasn't my best subject.

Enter two interesting and helpful tools:

1. Kindle Samuri

2. Kindle Spy

Both of these tools are designed to cull data about bestselling books and provide you with all sorts of data you can use to improve your own book category, keywords, and visibility. Not only does each give you lists of categories and keywords, but they use handy, color-coded systems to show you what topics and keywords can most benefit you. They consider the popularity, potential, and competition in categories, all of which is fascinating and useful.

The downsides: These are not free products. They cost $27 and $47, respectively. Also, Kindle Spy seems to me to be more helpful for those in the book planning phase than for those who already have books available for sale.

The upsides: Way cheaper than paying an SEO expert. Once you buy the tools you can use them over and over. You'll get all kinds of hard data to be better informed about the book selling marketplace.

When I used Kindle Spy to look into my competition for The Latecomers Fan Club, what I learned is that to be a bestseller in women's fiction, you need to compete with 50 Shades of Grey, and the books doing so with the most success have the following words either in their titles or keywords:

#ICYMI #SelfPub #AmWriting -- Why Indie Authors should opt out of Kindle Select

Thursday, August 20, 2015
The following post was originally published on 7/24/15 on

In this post, further thoughts on the recent changes to the Kindle Unlimited pay structure and how indie authors can be part of the solution instead of adding to the problem. 

Recently, I shared some information about why Kindle Unlimited is bad for authors. All authors should be upset by the pay structure rule changes. Consider the following math problem:

  • Say you write a 200 page novel, which you are selling for $3.99. 
  • Every time someone buys it, you get 70%, or $2.66 per copy sold.
  • You enroll in Kindle Select, which makes your book available for Amazon Prime  Members to borrow and to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. For each Prime borrow, you get a share of the KDP Global Fund. Your share is based on the number of pages each borrower actually reads and the amount of money in the Global Fund that month. The amount in fund varies. Right now, authors are earning about half a cent per page read. So if your borrower reads all 200 pages of your book, you would earn 100 cents. That's right: You would earn $1.00. 
  • If that borrower had bought your book outright, whether or not she read a single word of it, you would have made $2.66, so you're losing $1.66.
My advice: Don't opt in to Kindle Select. 

The best way to send Amazon the message that Indie Authors dislike these terms is to pull our books from the program.

As I noted in my last post, however, one group of authors is particularly upset about the changes, and yet they also seem reluctant to take their books out of the program. Namely I'm talking about authors of erotica. 

Curious to find out why they were so vocally upset and yet so unwilling to just get out of Kindle Select, I did some digging, and my findings are interesting. It seems entrepreneurial authors have found some creative ways to game the system.

First, take a look at this week's Self-Published Best Sellers as compiled by GalleyCat.

#ICYMI #AmWriting #SelfPub #Amazon -- Kindle Select is Bad for Authors

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
**This post orginially appeared on on 7/23/15**

On June 15, Amazon announced changes to the Amazon Kindle Unlimited book borrowing program. If you're read The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing, I am not a fan of Kindle Select, which the program that allows self-published authors to be part of Kindle Unlimited. Changes to the program only further my sense that this program is BAD for indie authors. We can't let Amazon treat us like second-class citizens. Read on for more information.

From the start of the Kindle Unlimited program through the end of June, authors were paid based on the number of "borrows" of their books, and a borrow "counted" when a reader reached 10% of the book.

Effective today, they are now paid based on pages read. Why is this bad?

1. Amazon no longer tells authors how many people are actually reading out books. This information is important. Authors need to know if people are finishing the books! This basic information is no longer provided.

2. Amazon is not telling authors how much they can expect to be paid. For years, authors using Kindle Direct Publishing and other indie publishing outlets offered our books through those storefronts with a promise of a fixed royalty rate based on sales price. But now authors have no idea what they will make if someone reads a book via Kindle Unlimited. 

Many authors are panicking over this massive change. People are expecting to see their income cut by 90% after Amazon cheerfully announced (though they hid it behind some math) that one "page" of a book is worth .57 cents. Not 57 cents. Just more than one half of ONE CENT. 

#SelfPubHelp:The Sane Person's Guide Now in Paperback!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
That's right--it's no longer just an ebook!

If you prefer your instruction manuals in print where you can mark them up and dog-ear the pages, The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing is now for sale as a paperback.

Click here to snag yours today!

#SelfPubHelp: Contests -- Are they worth the entry fee?

Recently a newbie to self-publishing emailed me to ask my take on contests. I figured others might have the same questions, so here's my response:

My friend wrote:

Now that my book has been unleashed on the world, I’ve been getting lots of emails about various indie publishing awards. I know you’ve been honored with several awards, and would love to hear your thoughts about them, if you don’t mind sharing your personal observations. Specifically:

·         Did you submit entries yourself?
·         Did you have to pay for those entries? If so, what did you consider a reasonable entry fee?
·         Are there any awards that are more prestigious or better respected than others?
·         How do you know you’re not getting involved in vanity/scam projects from less-than-honorable outfits who are just out to make a quick buck from authors?

#Self-Publishing Workshop at the Shrewsbury MA Public Library!

Sunday, August 9, 2015
Thinking of self-publishing but not sure where to start? Check out this workshop.


Shrewsbury, MA Public Library


Saturday, August 15, 10:00 to 12:00


FREE, but registration is required. Click this link to sign up.

What to expect?

I'll be giving an overview of the basics and answering your questions. Topics we'll touch on:

  • considerations to make before self-publishing, 
  • budget-setting, 
  • distribution options for ebooks, print, and audiobooks,
  • manuscript preparation and where to find book publishing pros to help you
  • and the elusive author platform 
Each participant will get a packet of handouts and worksheets to take home to help with the publication process, as well as access to the Google Slides Presentation from the workshop.

Image this page used under the Creative Commons License via Pixabay. Click here for original image.

#SelfPubHelp: Top 3 Pieces of Self-Publishing Wisdom

Friday, July 31, 2015
Recently a friend put me in touch with a friend of hers who just self-published his first novel (Hi, Adam!), and in the course of our email exchange, he asked me what my top 2 or 3 bits of self-publishing advice are. Tough question, but fun to ponder, and as I wrote back to him, I thought, I should really share these on the blog, so here goes!

1. Don't join Kindle Select and thereby cave in to Amazon's exclusivity demands. This is controversial advice, and to understand why I offer this advice, you can read more about some of the downsides of Kindle Select here, or get a copy of The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing for a more complete picture. That said, I strongly recommend you distribute your ebook via Smashwords, so that you can get it into Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Kobo, etc. Smashwords is free to authors, has good royalty rates, and is an all-around great company. If you uploaded a word doc (saved as a filtered webpage) to KDP, you can use basically the same file with a few tweaks on Smashwords. Also their blog is useful to follow for news. Further, I think it's totally worthwhile to do a print book via a print-on-demand option like Createspace. It's easy and cheap (very nearly free) to make a POD book, so why not?

#SelfPubAdvice #BookMarketing: Getting Reviews

Thursday, July 30, 2015
In this post, an excerpt from The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing. Links to sites referenced in this post can be found under the resources tab above.

There’s not much you can do to get readers to review your book aside from politely asking them, which you should do. There are, however, lots of ways to pay for reviews.

Thanks to the culture of online reviews, high profile reviews no longer have the power they once did. It seems to matter more that you get lots of reviews than it matters who wrote them. This is good news since the New York Times probably isn’t going to review your book.

Basic options for paid reviews:

#SelfPubAdvice: Planning your book launch

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
In this post, an excerpt from The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing.

Your book launch is your first step towards establishing your book’s discoverability, so it is worth doing some careful planning. While we indie authors don’t have the resources of a publishing house to place ads in the New York Times book review, get reviews in glossy magazines, and throw parties with jumbo shrimp and champagne, we do have friends and families who want our books to succeed, and we can count on them to be excited when we set our books loose on the world.

Things that help your book launch:

#BookMarketing for Indie Authors: Preparing for Author/Book Fairs

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
In this post, some general tips about setting up an eye-catching table at book and author fairs.

Let me tell you about the first time I had a table at a book fair.

I was representing The Worcester Review at the book fair of the Mass Poetry Festival. I had never done any events like that before, and I was completely unprepared. I showed up with a box of back issues, an envelope of one dollar bills for change, some flyers about The Worcester County Poetry Association and a sign that I made in Microsoft word and printed out on my 8.5 x 11 paper on my home printer, which only printed in black and white. I got to my table and discovered that it was a ratty old folding table with a cracked and blistered top. I had no tape to hang up my sign, nor any way to prop it up. I had no book stands to prop up my books, so I had to lay them flat on the cruddy table. My display was pathetic.

Since then I've upped my game. In fact, at my last author fair at the Worcester Public Library a fellow author with whom I've traded publishing advice over the years suggested I blog about some tips for author events, so here goes!

My Table at the New England Authors Expo. Vertical signage, book stands, postcards, and a banner. Looking sharp ;)

#SelfPubAdvice: Turn your book into an audiobook!

Monday, July 27, 2015
In this post, an excerpt from The Sane Person's Guide to Self-Publishing on creating audiobooks.

Audiobooks are a fast-growing segment of the book market thanks to the ease of listening to books via smartphones and tablets. Did you know that you, little old you, you the indie author, can turn your book into an audiobook for a total cost of ZERO DOLLARS?

For real. You can turn your book into an audiobook and sell it at Audible, iTunes, and Amazon, and you don’t have to know thing about audio production, and you don’t have to spend a single penny to do it. Here’s how:


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Welcome to my new blog for self-publishing resources. 

A little bit about me:

I am the author of two novels (see sidebar) and one guidebook for self-publishing.

My life as an indie-author had its roots in blogging back in 2011. Once I began publishing my fiction in 2012, I kept blogging as a way to stay in touch with readers. A lot of my entries had to do with self-publishing, as that was what was on my mind, and I had valuable information to contribute to discussions of self-publishing. Rule one of blogging: Provide valuable information, right?

The problem, of course, is that the audience of readers seeking advice on self-publishing is not really the audience of my fiction. Yes, there's some overlap--writers are readers, too; but, I recently started to think that if my blog is part of how I reach casual readers of fiction, all of my talk of the books business might not appeal to them.

And so this new blog was born.

What you can expect to find here:

  • Updates about changes in the self-publishing landscape.
  • Advice about how to handle common dilemmas self-publishers face. 
  • Reflections on my experiences marketing my books.
  • Any new information I come across that I think can help you.
We indie authors must stick together!

If you want to make sure you never miss an update:

  • Sign up for my Email newsletter (and get a free gift!)
  • Follow me on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter and message me with the hashtag #saneselfpub, and I'll follow back
Stay tuned for updates!

Image this post used under the creative commons license. Click here to view original.

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